6 Traits Of A Truly Authentic Leader

To me, authentic leadership is rooted in genuine care, integrity, and the courage to stay true to oneself while guiding others by example and personal conviction. Let’s dive deeper into this…

1. I Serve from the Heart

As an authentic leader, I am driven by a sincere desire to serve others. I see leadership as a responsibility to uplift those around me, prioritizing the well-being of my team, organization, and community.

I constantly ask myself, “How can I help those I lead to succeed?” This service-driven mindset inspires loyalty and trust from my team, rather than being motivated by personal gain or power. My focus is always on the collective good. By being team-focused, I create environments where individuals are motivated, engaged, and empowered to give their best.

Practical Application:

  • I take time to understand the personal and professional aspirations of each member of my team
  • I offer guidance and work to remove obstacles that hinder their progress
  • I demonstrate through actions that my success is tied to the success of the people I serve

2. I Act with Integrity as the Forefront of My Decision-Making

Integrity is the cornerstone of my leadership – hands-down! My actions align with my values, ensuring my decisions reflect ethical standards. In other words, I always strive to do what’s right – not what’s easy.

My integrity doesn’t waver. This consistency builds credibility and trust within my team. People know that I mean what I say, follow through on my promises, and act in ways that uphold my personal principles. If I say I’ll do something, consider it done.

Practical Application:

  • I make decisions that benefit the long-term well-being of the organization and its people, even if it means dealing with short-term challenges (again, it’s not about doing what’s easiest)
  • I am transparent about my decision-making process so others can understand the values behind my choices
  • I stand firm on ethical principles, even when it involves tough conversations or decisions

3. I Hold Myself Accountable and Set the Standard High

I don’t shy away from responsibility. I hold myself accountable for my actions and set high standards for both myself and my team. My goal in modeling accountability is to inspire others to do the same.

Taking ownership of both successes and failures is important to me because I believe true growth comes from acknowledging mistakes and learning from them.

Practical Application:

  • I admit to my mistakes openly and use them as opportunities for learning and improvement
  • I set expectations for myself and my team while simultaneously maintaining a high standard of performance
  • I encourage others to take responsibility for their actions, offering support and guidance when needed (easier said than done)

4. I Demonstrate Vulnerability

I believe that vulnerability is a strength, not a weakness. I’m open about my struggles, challenges, and areas where I’m still growing. This honesty allows me to connect with others on a human level, which creates stronger relationships and encourages open communication.

It’s okay to ask for help, admit mistakes, or express uncertainty. Doing so creates a safe space where people feel empowered to speak up and contribute. Vulnerability also helps me build trust because people appreciate honesty and authenticity over a facade of perfection – and they can often sense the difference.

Practical Application:

  • I share personal stories of failure or growth to inspire and relate to my team
  • I admit when I don’t have all the answers and I’m open to collaboration from my team
  • I encourage others to voice their concerns or challenges without fear of judgment, embarrassment, or ridicule

5. I Know and Understand My “Why”

I’m deeply connected to my purpose and I understand why I love leading others. This clarity of purpose fuels my passion and gives me the resilience to navigate challenges without losing focus.

By knowing my “why,” I can make decisions that align with my values and vision, creating a sense of direction and meaning for both myself and my team (yup – it’s a win-win for everyone). My commitment to my purpose is contagious, inspiring others to reflect on their own “why” and how it aligns with our organization’s mission. Knowing how to inspire others in this way is challenging, but not impossible.

Practical Application:

  • I reflect regularly on my personal and professional motivations to ensure alignment with my actions (also part of integrity)
  • I share my “why” with my team to inspire and create a shared sense of purpose (this can be vulnerable)
  • I encourage others to discover and connect with their own “why,” fostering a purpose-driven culture

6. I Empower Others to Lead

I believe that leadership isn’t about control – it’s about developing leadership traits in others and helping them rise to their full potential. Therefore, I delegate responsibility, offer growth opportunities, and provide mentorship so that anyone can step into leadership roles if they so choose. I understand that my success as a leader is not measured by how much I accomplish alone but by how much I enable others to achieve.

Practical Application:

  • I offer leadership opportunities to team members based on their strengths and interests
  • I provide mentorship and guidance while giving them the autonomy to make decisions and grow
  • I celebrate team members’ successes and encourage a collaborative environment where leadership can be shared

These traits, listed above, not only define my leadership, but they also inspire those around me to become their best selves. In a world where authenticity is increasingly valued, these traits form the foundation for lasting, impactful leadership.

– Philip Douthett

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